Saturday, October 16, 2010

I went to a male revue last night in Piscataway, NJ ... It was a great show!!-thank you!

I went to a male revue last night at the New Market Fire Station in Piscataway; it was AmazingDancers Male Revue hosted by Matt Jarrett. It was a great show!!-thank you!--but I especially want to acknowledge the second dancer out--the guy who dressed like a firefighter. I have to tell you I had way more fun than I anticipated having. I've gone to one or two shows like this before, and I'm used to the guys coming out with heaps of braggadocio and acres of swagger; and I'm amused at the "hey, look at me" attitude, and yeah, it's sexy, but there's this emotional and mental distance the guys keep, so it's like looking at, well, finely-sculpted meat. It's hot, but I'm not one of those women who gets all lathered up over it. But while the strippers I'm used to (I'm used to strippers? Um...okay, I'm running with it, sure) seem to be more about self-aggrandizement and well, being in it for the money, but Matt you and your guys were there *with* us. I watched you read the emotional states of the different women you danced with; you were respectful, you were *appreciative*, of every last one of us. That being there for us--being of service--is hotter than, um, *hot*. In a world where everybody else is waving their junk in your face, Matt, you *asking* me to *dance* Wow. Dude. That'''re GOOD. That was...damn, man. That broadsided me--I was not expecting that. And at the end, you forgot to take my money. Thank you. That'll stay with me for years to come. Your girlfriend is a lucky woman; I get the feeling she gets a kick out of watching women go nuts over her man. So honey, here's another one for ya. You go, girlfriend! More power to ya. Go rock his world. ;) Peace, Grace S.

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